Gas detector for breathing air

Gas detector XAR8000 Direct reading for breathing air. It was developed exclusively for use in applications with breathing air and medical air.

The Breathe developed a unique capture and analysis of air quality in accordance system with 100% NBR12 543 and 50DRCANVISA,which reads only the sample coming from the compressed air line and not mixing with the ambient air.

The XAR 8000 has a differential pressure sensor that ensures that air actually reaches the gas detector. In the event of a rupture or strangulation of the sampling air hose, the gas detector instantly detects and triggers an alarm stating that there is a problem with the system’s air collection. This ensures that the sampled air is actually reaching the sensors.

The volatile organic vapor detector (VOC) is capable of reading more than 450 types of organic vapors and can be adjusted to better detect a certain gas present in the industrial area. TheVOC detector Breathe operates by photoionization. Photoionization sensors are capable of detecting amounts of vapors with precision of some parts per million (PPM) and this ensures that vapors toxic and harmful to health and life are detected in concentrations well below those established by law, avoiding unnecessary occupational exposure.

The gas detector for breathing air Breathe also has monitoring of the dew point and the temperature of the breathing air within the parameters required by law. It is the only detector on the market to monitor the dew point along with the other variables required by breathing air standards, including NBR 12543, EN 12021 and Pharmacopéia. This prevents very dry or very humid compressed air from reaching the masks and impairing the performance of activities.

Datalogging – Data Logging with SD Card

The datalogging, or data logging, of the XAR 8000 gas detector is capable of storing up to 100,000 events. To give you an idea, if a continuous recording of 1 event per hour was triggered, the gas detector would be able to store data for more than 10 years. This way it is easy to store all the relevant information of the breathing air system (air temperature, dew point, oxygen rates and variations in the concentration of toxic or flammable gases throughout the tasks, calibration of the sensors, service life of the filters).

Datalogging – XAR8000 gas detector

In addition, the use of SD Card memory cards simplifies backup tasks on computers and corporate servers. With datalogging, in SD Card, the workday of each worker can be stored with the occupational health records or with the work permit and in this way serve as proof of the air quality that each worker

Through the records it is possible to generate graphics and tables of behavior of variables throughout the work and without the need for special software. All these features make the XAR 8000 breathing gas detector a definitive solution for companies and institutions that need quality breathing air and relevant and objective information in the occupational area.

The RS232 / RS485 Communication of the XAR8000 gas detector

Through its RS232 / 485 standard communication port, it is possible to communicate thegas detector XAR8000 to a micro printer and generate all printed reports of the activities carried out. As they are robust and international industry standards, thegas detector Breathe is a low-cost solution for rapid acquisition of the sampled data.

Types of XAR8000 alarms

Thegas detector XAR 8000 has different alarm levels for different concentrations.
The parameters of the ACGIH alarm levels: Threshold Limit Value (TLV) which is the limit value of a chemical substance), Time Weighted Average (TWA) which is an alarm for time of exposure over 40 hours per week, the Time weighted average (STEL) which is the alarm for short exposure time, and OSHA Occupational Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) andlimits NR 15 are some of the parameters that can be edited according to the need to frame the application with breathable air.
Air Standards Breathable gases detector XAR8000
The gas detector XAR 8000 comes factory configured to meet the following standards:
System wireless alarms gas detector XAR8000
The gas detector XAR8000 has an efficient wireless communication system that can configured to generate an alarm up to 16 km away. This allows occupational safety, operational and emergency teams to remain informed of any abnormalities with the equipment and to make quick and appropriate decisions.
Variables monitored by the XAR8000 gas detector
Below is the table with the measurement scales available for the XAR8000 gas detector.